Northwest Territories


  • A high-grade gold exploration project led by Chairman & CEO Gerald Panneton of Detour fame
  • 14 Moz Au produced @ 16-22 g/t Au in Yellowknife over 5km of Campbell Shear structure, Gold Terra controls remaining 70km
  • Underexplored 918km2 brownfield project with infrastructure including 1,900m deep shaft all in place
  • Existing near surface 1.78Moz Au resources, historic deep 650koz Au resource
  • Historic intercepts of unmined zones assayed 19.3m @ 534g/t Au, 12.4m @ 22.5g/t Au and 6.89m @ 79.3g/t Au
  • Deep multi-million ounce potential at Campbell Shear, directional drill program currently underway
  • After raising C$2.5M in April (Eric Sprott, Rob McEwen), cash position is C$3.5M
  • Gold trading at all-time highs, recently surpassing US$2,400/oz again
  1. Introduction

An old proverb in mining is to look for deposits in the shadow of a headframe, implying potential mineralization on strike with a deposit of an existing or historic mining operation.

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In a world where the Fed might be contemplating a 50 basispoint raise instead of the earlier communicated 25 points, because of persistent, higher than expected inflation, but macro economic fundamentals remain strong, the stock markets are side ranging as a result.

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We are living in interesting times these days. Just as the world seemed to have overcome the COVID pandemic, China confused the markets again by massive lockdowns, after 28,000 new cases were reported on November 22, 2022 alone. It is estimated that restrictions are affecting productivity up to one fifth of GDP, and in turn this has significant effect on the world economy, and most metal prices for example.

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As the world is battling record inflation at the moment, and central banks across the globe are rising rates left, shortages keep increasing, consumer confidence is sinking, and in the background the Russia-Ukraine conflict seems to have entered a new phase as the Ukraine just liberated several thousands of square kilometers, Gold Terra Resource (TSXV:YGT)(OTCQX:YGTFF) (FRA:TXO) surprisingly announced a 541koz Au maiden resource estimate on their Con Mine property, more specifically on Yellorex.

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It took quite a bit of time before Gold Terra Resource (TSXV:YGT)(OTCQX:YGTFF) (FRA:TXO) released the first results of their much anticipated deeper drilling of the Campbell Shear, but on June 27, 2022 holes 029 and 037 were finally announced. The results weren’t spectacular, but CEO Gerald Panneton indicated that despite the low grades the intercepts confirmed the hitting of the Campbell Shear mineralized zone, and that was the most important.

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Times are becoming pretty challenging around the world, as inflation gears up to levels not seen in 40 years, as supply chains across the entire economy are increasingly being disrupted through the Russia-Ukraine invasion and COVID-19 related lack of investments, while at the same time demand is recovering after COVID-19.

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While Ukraine has been completely invaded by Russia further disturbing supply/demand chains around the world, which already see commodity prices soaring and consequently increasing inflation to levels not seen in decades, precious metals, and more specifically gold, are doing well with gold hovering at US$1,915/oz.

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As inflation grows rampant across many sectors, to levels not seen in decades, it only seems a matter of time before gold leaves its side ranging pattern of late. Gold Terra Resource (TSXV:YGT)(OTCQX:YGTFF) (FRA:TXO) aims at making the most of it, as the current President and CEO David Suda is stepping down on December 31, 2021 to pursue other opportunities.  

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The much anticipated Phase 1 drilling program, testing the southern extension of the Campbell Shear of the Yellowknife City Gold Project (1.2Moz Au Inferred resource), is well underway now, and the results are pleasing management of Gold Terra(TSXV:YGT)(OTCQX:YGTFF)(FRA:TXO) as it confirms historical drilling results.

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As Gold Terra Resource Corp. (TSXV:YGT)(OTCQX:YGTFF)(FRA:TXO) has been drilling their Yellowknife City Gold project diligently since the company turnaround, the first resounding results of their work were announced to the public on March 16, 2021. The NI43-101 compliant Inferred resource increased from 735k Inferred oz Au to 1.207M Inferred oz Au, and this is still without the inclusion of (not yet disclosed) drill results from the Campbell Shear, one of the highest priority targets at Gold Terra’s district scale Yellowknife City Gold Project.

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